An American’s Library for Making Sense of the Palestine Israel Mess Part 2: This section is two manuals the Israel Lobby uses to train supporters for stifling debate: Book 2 of 2: The Israel Project’s 2009 Global Language Dictionary from The Israel Project. Written by (Public Relations Pollster) Frank Luntz. […]
Book Reviews
An American’s Library for Making Sense of the Palestine Israel Mess Part 2: This section is two manuals the Israel Lobby uses to train supporters for stifling debate: Book 1 of 2: As Voltaire said, “Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” This book is […]
Part of an American’s Library for Making Sense of the Palestine Israel Mess Part I: This section is five books from outside the conflict that explain the conflict: Book 5: With God on Their Side: How Christian fundamentalists trampled science, policy, and democracy in George W. Bush’s White House. by […]
Part I of an American’s Library for Making Sense of the Palestine Israel Mess: This section is five books from outside the conflict that explain the conflict: Book 4: Dying to Win The Strategic Logic of Suicide Terrorism. by Robert A. Pape 2005. Random House, New York, 335 pp. Before […]
[*November 15, 2023, a grim update: Over the past 6 weeks Israel has killed more Palestinian children than all the people killed on all sides of the Irish Troubles from 1966-2001.] Part I of an American’s Library for Making Sense of the Palestine Israel Mess: This section is five books […]
Part of an American’s Library for Making Sense of the Palestine Israel Mess Part I: This section is five books from outside the conflict that explain the conflict: Book 2: The Wretched of the Earth by Franz Fanon 1961 (2004 edition. Grove Press. 251 pp.) The ‘wretched of the earth’ […]
Part of an American’s Library for Making Sense of the Palestine Israel Mess Part I: This section is five books from outside the conflict that explain the conflict: Book 1: The Logic of Failure: Recognizing and Avoiding Error in Complex Situations by Dietrich Dorner 1989 (1997 edition) Perseus Books Cambridge, […]