Well shucks, the initiative to have one day per week for the community did not pass. With mega cruise ships getting the door slammed in their faces around the world; Bar Harbor to Barcelona, Key West to Amsterdam, major interests trying to soak the last tourist dollars out of the […]
Dear cruise ship tourists, Hi there. Our town is voting on an initiative to slow industrial tourism. Proponents want one cruise ship-free day per week for the community and the environment. Some of them feel the industrial tourism complex cares more about tourists than they care about us. Not me. […]
*A few updates as of summer, 2024: Five years ago I wrote in the series linked below* that Israel had destroyed its environment to the point it was a dying patient on the gurney. With its Gaza Genocide , Israel is taking itself off life support. 1) Well over […]
This post about slugs is partly about trying to stop them demolishing my garden two years running, but first may I say slugs are beautiful. Second, may I say nothing my neighbors or I tried to get rid of them worked. Third, I’ll share a link below to the wonderful […]
Three Giant Dams Destabilizing the World Food Supply. Depending on the farming region, between 70 and 92 percent of humanity’s fresh water goes to agriculture. And so, as humanity outruns it’s water supply the response has been to build ever larger water projects for agriculture and ever more complex distribution […]
3 Giant Dams affecting the World food supply Part 2 of 4 Dam Number 1 China’s 3 Gorges Dam, Continent: Asia. Completed in 2006. World’s largest hydro electric dam. 600 feet high. 1.5 miles across. Reservoir 370 miles long. Impounds Asia’s longest river the Yangtze. Raised water level in the […]
Dam Number Two. America’s Glen Canyon Dam Continent: North America Finished in 1963. 710 feet tall. One quarter mile wide. 10 million tons of concrete vs. over a billion tons of water and silt in the reservoir. Built on sandstone. Location: About due south of Salt Lake City, Utah, just […]
3 Dams on 3 continents in 3 minute reads Continent: Africa. Location: Due East of Djibouti, just inside Ethiopia’s border with Sudan. Impounds: The Blue Nile. The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation identified the dam site in the 1950’s but it has just been built and is being filled in the […]
Predator Control: Be strong, families. You can do this. Reasons to trap cats: Definition: “Stray” (noun) domestic animal that is wandering at large. There are over 60 million pet cats in the US many of which roam loose, plus there are 70 million feral cats that are all strays. Getting […]
Predator Control: Be Strong Families. You can do this. Get comfortable with the idea that this is not personal. Rather, it’s your yard. You pay the mortgage. You pay the taxes. You pay for the upkeep. You–not a stray cat, not an irresponsible cat owner. Some cat lovers online will […]
The Last Resort: “From the standpoint of abstract justice, the stray cat has just as much right to kill and eat the robin which builds in the vine on my porch as the robin has to pull and eat the earthworms from my lawn; but the place is mine, and […]
“To shelter stray, abandoned, and surrendered pets and find them loving homes.” from the Juneau Animal Rescue Mission Statement It’s satisfying at a deep level to hear birds singing in the early morning and feel you had a small part in their survival. If you ever need bucking up, […]