What do you make of a famous chef, teaching a ‘Master Class’ in identifying and preparing seafood, who doesn’t know the difference between a wild Alaska king salmon and a pen-raised, fish farm Atlantic salmon? I’m giving him the benefit of the doubt. If he does know, he’s less than […]
Cases of canned fish and a full freezer are wonderful things in fall but spring, being the season of renewal, is a time to draw down the larder in anticipation of re-stocking with fresh salmon. We try to pace our supply to run out in early June. In years when […]
A fish walks into a bar. He looks at the bartender, puts his glass on the counter and says, “fillet.” Magazine short lists of quintessential ‘Things Men Should Know’—like how to start a camp fire, throw a punch and connect jumper cables—include how to fillet a fish. The funny part […]
Smoking fish is like brewing beer in the sense that commercial operations strive to make a consistent product. People doing it at home strive to come up with something so good they have to call their friends at odd hours and say, “You’ve got to try this.” Smoking is the […]