Woodshed Autonomous Zone, Through No Fault of Our Own, Mostly (some alcohol involved) revives The Venerable WAZ Awards to honor the Top Black Racists of 2021 Introduction: It was April First. Fine, clear skies, temperatures up in the mid-40’s already. One of those days you feel the trees pulling […]
Race Relations
WAZ Awards 2021: Winner #1: Colin ‘The Swooshstika’ Kaepernick Gene (April Fools take the bait) On his way to pour another dram of single malt, Gene-Gene the Word Machine whispered into Al’s ear. They both looked sideways at Tim, who was looking the other way. Al spoke to Ira who […]
Top Black Racists of 2021: Winner #2: Professor Mutha Beep We gathered round the bunker the following week for Episode Two (Twelve if you count 2020) of the WAZ awards. Rhubarb buds were peeking out of the raised beds in places. No open leaves yet but it reminded Cosmo we […]
Top Black Racists of 2021: The WAZ Awards: Winner #3 Charm City Roy rapped his rubber chicken on the bench. He was still wearing the Moroccan tunic but he’d changed his Tyrolean hat to a fez. “Okay, white, light privilege ones. Time once again to scour the highways and byways […]
Top Black Racists of 2021: The WAZ Awards: Winner #4 The Grant Park Philistines SONNY “Gentlemen!” Roy Sequoia raised his voice and glass as one. “And the rest of you, too. The time has come to direct your white, light, bright, privileged attention to a man who comes from a […]
(5) WAZ Awards 2021: Winner Number Five: Her Honor [Cosmo] In a long day, we got one of Ira’s greenhouses put in, the base anyway, and two thirds of the greenhouse itself, but there were hundreds of screws/nuts/brackets/hinges and so on even before the polycarbonate sheets, so just after dark […]
WAZ Awards 2021: Winner Number Seven: (who is that?) TONY Tony brought garlic bread, wine, Italian beef with cannellini beans, his restaurant’s famous tira miso for dessert, served with a twenty-year-old port and strong Italian coffee. As we sat with the coffee Al and Ira tuned up. Roy pulled out […]
(7) WAZ Awards 2021: Winner Number Seven: The Good Fight Ira It being Cinco de Mayo, Sonny made cornbread, fish tacos, black beans and rice, with guacamole. Then we got into the tequila mojitos. Overindulged you might say. Roy, wearing cowboy boots, a sheepskin leather vest with the wool turned […]
WAZ Awards 2021 Winner Number 8 ‘The Noose’ (Tommy O) It being a nice night, meaning it wasn’t raining for a change, and our great forest was still gaining 3 minutes of daylight per day Tommy Obrien fired up the grill and produced a massive spread of barbequed venison steaks […]
WAZ Awards 2021 Winner Number 9 An educated lady (Sven) Having inherited a hefty streak of Lutheran masochism, Sven goes to sea for the black cod openings every year, and every year he and Ole get the stuffing beat out of them by weather. He swears about it but rich, […]
10) WAZ Awards 2021 Winner Number 10. Deniers (Roy Sequoia) It was June, just as Roy said it would be, when we finished up the Top Ten WAZ Awards for 2021. Tim and Sonny stoked up the grill, Roy wearing an Amish hat and stained apron with a picture of […]
Runners-up Tough luck you guys, but it was a formidable field in ’21. Dust yourselves off and try again. There’s always next year. John Blake who works for CNN wrote an article titled, ‘The Most Frightening Thing in America is Angry White Men.’ Guys like John are the reason guys […]