The Palestine Genocide 101
Required Reading
1848: Lynch Expedition: Jordan River to the Dead Sea USN Commander William Lynch makes the first known water transit of the Jordan River from its headwaters to its terminus at the Dead Sea. Lynch writes with a fine hand and describes a big, wild Jordan River flowing through a country rich in wildlife, agricultural communities, and pilgrims from all over. Lynch’s narrative is pretty much the opposite of Zionist claims that would follow decades later, that Palestine was a land without a people. Palestinians saved the expedition from disaster several times.
1896: First Zionist Conference Goals
1919: King-Crane Commission Report on Palestine President Woodrow Wilson sent King and Crane on a diplomatic mission to Palestine to assess claims of Zionists (European Jews wanting to take over the region) vs claims of Arab Muslims and Christians, and Sephardic Jews who’d lived there for centuries. Some take aways from the Commission: Out of more than a 1,800 petitions to the Commission, only 19 supported the Zionist model. The Arabs wanted to be part of Syria. British officers in Palestine estimated it would take 50,000 troops to even begin the Zionist usurpation of Palestine. About putting Palestine under Zionist spoke of.
“Decisions, requiring armies to carry out, are sometimes necessary, but they are surely not gratuitously to be taken in the interests of serious injustice. For the initial claim, often submitted by Zionist representatives, that they have a “right” to Palestine based on an occupation of 2,000 years ago can hardly be seriously considered.”
1919: (Assignment) Find at least five articles on Zionist attempts to commandeer Palestine at the post WWI Peace Conference
1922: Balfour Declaration: Read it with the understanding that it was not written by Lord Balfour. It was written by Zionists at a time the Rothschilds had been bankrolling Jewish colonists in Palestine for 50 years. It was Lord Rothschild who handed it to Balfour.
1923: Palestine Land of Three Faiths by Philip Graves George H Doran Company New York (Students: Find Graves (1) at the very end of ‘Required Reading’ section. You can skip through the excerpts as quickly as you like but do be ready to discuss the points in bold letters).
1961: The Wretched of the Earth: by Franz Fanon: Every real revolutionary, the ones willing to fight and die, understands Fannon. Che Guvera, Tamil Tigers, Palestinians, The Irish Republican Army… Fannon was a young, black psychiatrist who embraced the Algerian resistance against French colonialism, and wrote the treatise on the mindset both of colonized people and their colonizers. (Students can read the review below but your deeper understanding requires you to read the entire book, including Jean-Paul Sartre’s introduction.)
1979: The Life of Brian: Monty Python’s Flying Circus. This is a reading assignment because a seminal scene that was censored from the film. Certain Hollywood moguls weren’t willing to promote the film if the scene was left in. As it shook out, the scene with Eric Idle as Otto the Nazarene in the middle of the movie was indeed cut, but Otto and his fanatic suicide squade were part of the ending, so that was left in. Without the context of the first scene, Otto’s entrance at the end makes no sense at all. At the end of ‘Required Reading Assignments’ below, find Otto (2) from the original 1979 screenplay published by Evre Methuen Ltd, London. pg 48. and read it.
October, 1996 Spook, Terrorist, or Criminal? America’s Mysterious files on Netanyahu. Washington Report on Middle East Affairs. Special Report, by Neve.Israeli weekly Ha’ir goes looking for records of former furniture salesman Netayahu. Who appears to be a dual US Citizen, have multiple names and a “confidential classification’ attached to the same social security number. That classification applies only to five categories of people: CIA, FBI, IRS, criminals and terrorists. There’s a wealth of information you may wish you didn’t know in this short article.
1997: The Logic of Failure: Recognizing and Avoiding Error in Complex Situations. By Detrich Dorner. Analysis of failure-prone strategies used by high functioning people: executives, engineers, etc in complex situations, along with strategies that are more likely to be successful. Some points: Parts of a complex system are all connected. A leader can’t see all the parts of a complex system at once. Some parts may move on their own. Experts running complex systems often break the rules and get away with it. So they break rules again on the assumption they are able to steer through whatever comes up. Experts project competence that others are reluctant to challenge, leading to group think. Eventually it catches up with them.
2000: The Holocaust Industry:Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering by Norman Finkelstein. The Holocaust has been called the gift that keeps on giving. In any debate featuring a Zionist, set your watch and see how long it takes them to invoke ‘The Holocaust.” Generally they throw it out there within the first two minutes. In this book Professor Finkelstein presents the grifters who extort fantastic amounts of money via the Holocaust narrative by any and all means including; getting American congressional representatives to shake down European countries to give money they don’t owe ostensibly for ‘survivors’t, that in fact go Jewish agencies and lawyers milking the system.
*March 2002 Hasbara Handbook: Promoting Israel on Campus. by the World Union of Jewish Students, Sponsored by the Education Department of the Jewish Agency for Isarel, and by the Joint Distribution Committee. 121 pp. Tactics for presenting Israel in a favorable way while undermining opponents. Topics like how to dress, prepare a speech, letter writing campaigns, make flyers, intimidate, blame Palestinians, how to score debate points/vs genuine debate, play the Anti-Semitic card, etc… Some nuggets: “Point scoring communication ought to give the appearance of rational debate, whilst avoiding genuine discussion…” pg 8. “Most celebrities will care more about their public image than they do about the Middle East. Threats of tainting a celebrity’s image will usually persuade them to back away from controversial political issues.” pg.24. “Fear is easily manipulated in a climate that is already steeped in fear by the threat of global terror.”pg.26 “Israel activists can commission opinon polls amongst groups who favour Israel, and use these to give the impression that Israel is the ‘team to support.’ pg 26 and so on…
2002 Making Sense of the Troubles: by David McKittrick. Often we hear that since Ireland resolved it’s bloody struggle between Irish Catholics, Protestants, and the English; then Peace in Palestine could also be achieved. Reading McKittrick’s book, or the synopsis linked below, shows that all the components that led to violence in 1960’s Northern Ireland are in place in Palestine, but none of the components that led to peace in Northern Ireland are in place in Palestin today.
Setember/October 2002 Born Again Zionists: Christian Conservatives are teaming up with hard-line Jewish groups to transform American policy toward Israel. Mother Jones, by Michael Schuerer, and Ken Silverman. High ranking [Zionist] neo-cons “that some DC insiders call the “Koser Nostra.”‘ let by Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz. “Indeed, thatnks to the top-level connections and grass-roots activism of Evangelical Christians, U.S. Policy in the Middle East has never been so closely aligned with Israel as it is under the administration of George W. Bush.” Among other things: The Israeli Embassy created an “Office of Interreligious Affairs” where they held monthly meetings for Christian clergy to groom and pump them up to support Israel. Back in 2002 AIPAC had 130 employees and 7 lobbyists. And was throwing millions of dollars at American politicians from both parties. In 1996 Netanyahu formed the ‘Israel Christian Advocacy Council.’
*December 09, 2002 Economist Tallies Swelling Cost of Israel to US. Christian Science Monitor. by David R. Francis (Staff writer for CSM). Harvard consulting economist to the Middle East Thomas Stauffer lays out the staggering costs to the United States of supporting Israel. As of 2002 that cost was over twice the cost of the Vietnam War. At the time this article was written the Israelis were trying to wheedle out another $4 billion in military aid from America so that we would pay to offset Israel’s costs of the Palestinian Intifada. PLUS another $8 billion in loan guarantees “to help [Israel’s] recession-bound economy”. [Israel typically doesn’t repay its loans form the United States]. “Stauffer estimates the “United States would end up paying both principle and interest, perhaps 10 years out.” In addition, Stauffer notes that as of 2002, the US had given Egypt $117 billion and Jordan $22 billion, to not fight with Israel. During the 1973 Arab oil embargo on the US, [which was brought about entirely by Israel refusing to give up the Sinai after the America saved it from defeat by Eqypt] “The US lost $420 billion (in 2001 dollars) of output and another $450 billion in increased oil prices. [That’s $870 billion. That’s $1,551.85 Trillion in 2024 dollars]. An additional consequence was the United States set up a strategic petroleum reserve which Stauffer estimates cost $134 billion in 2001 dollars.
2004 With God on their Side: by Esther Kapaln. Count the Evangelical Christians who influenced the GW Bush White House and note is how many went on to stump for Zionist Israel. [one of John Ashcroft’s first clients when he became a lobbiest was Israeli Aircraft Industries International.]
2005: Dying to Win: The Strategic Logic of Suicide Terrorism by Robert A. Pape: Goes through all the suicide bombings from around the world known at the time. Working with students who familiar with languages in various countries Pape presents a mindset that knocks away everything Israeli propagandists have to say about suicide terrorism. When the book was written the most prolific suicide bombers in the world were from the Tamil Tigers in Sri Lanka. Far from being ignorant fanatics, suicide bombers are typically better educated with better prospects than the greater population. They’re viewed as altruistic in the same way a soldier who throws himself on a grenade to save his buddies would be viewed. (Students can read the review cited below rather than the whole book.)
2006: Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid. Jimmy Carter 261 pp. For which the former President of the United States was designated an anti-Semite by members of the Zionist persuasion. The President by the way, was one of the international observers who monitored the democratic Palestinian election in 2006 that Hamas won by a landslide.
*October 12, 2006: How Hezbollah defeated Israel. by Alastair Crooke, Mark Perry Asia Times Part 1:Winning the Intelligence War Part 2: Winning the Ground War Part 3: Winning the Political War.
2007: The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy Landmark work by John Mearsheimer and Stephen M. Walt. Book opens with a quote from Bertrand Russell, “In all affairs it is a healthy thing now and then to hang a question mark on the things you have long taken for granted.” Book exposes aspects of the vast reach, depth, and some of the consequences of the Israel Lobby in America. Mearsheimer and Walt have been called pretty much every name out there by the Lobby but time has shown that, as detrimental to the United States as they show Israel and the Lobby to be, the reality is worse. The extent of arms and ammunition the US gives Israel, the economic aid; (unlike other countries Israel gets its entire annual windfall at the beginning of the year, which the authors point out is like you getting your entire year’s salary on January 1 which you can then use to invest), Israeli operatives/lobbyists in the US don’t have to register as foreign agents, and so on.
Summer 2007: Arming David: The Haganah’s illegal Arms Procurement Network in the United States 1945-1949 by Ricky-Dale Calhoun. Journal of Palestine Studies vol. 36 #4. pp 22-32. Terrorist Organizaion Haganah buys large scale weapons through front companies and in cooperatiosn with Latin American countries who were buying surplus US weapons through the War Assets Administration after WW2. Haganah transferred arms to Paleestine illegally.
2007: Palestinian Walks: Forays Into a Vanishing Landscape. by Raja Shehadeh. 200 pp.A man who loves to walk the hills he grew up walking writes of losing his paths one by one as they’re taken over by Jewish colonists and the Israeli occupiers. Sad, poignant reading to anyone who loves to walk.
*March 2008 The Gaza Bombshell, by David Rose, Vanity Fair. After Hamas won the election fair and square, by a landslide. Condelleza Rice, Elliot Abrahms, and others in the Bush Administration conspired with Israel and the corrupt, Quisling Fatah government in the West Bank to foment a coup. They armed and trained an army, promised Fatah leaders 2 billion US dollars to do the dirty work. Hamas figured out what was happening, fought Fatah house to house in a bloody conflict, defeated Fatah, took their US supplied weapons and emerged stronger than ever.
*2009 The Israel Project’s: Global Language Dictionary. by Frank Luntz. In which Luntz tells Iraelis and other Zionists how to influence Americans and shape American opinion. Express sympathy for both sides. Blame Hamas not Palestinians, Blame Iran. How to manipulate questions about Israeli settlements in the occupied territories, the ‘fence’ is temporary, how to sell American aid to Israel to the American public, claim Israel and America etc, etc . Once you read it, you’ll see the pattern all the time. 116 pp. The Israel Project was a non-profit that made the surreal claim that they weren’t affiliated with any government. *Extra Credit: Watch Tucker Carlson expose that House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (RCa) is roomates with Frank Luntz. That is–the leading Republican in the House–McCarthy shares Luntz’ss upscale condo in Washington, DC. May 03, 2021.
December 15, 2009 Kairos Palestine: A moment of truth: a call for help from the Christian Patriarchs of the Holy Land. Kairos is from the Greek meaning ‘the right moment’. My copy was published by the Mennonite Palestine Israel Network in 2016, Put forth by the Mennonites as a Congregational Study Guide. 29 pages. A dignified message with ten points. Read it then read the Wikipedia entry and comment on the chasm between reality and propaganda.
2011 BDS: The Global Struggle for Palestinian Rights: by Omar Barghouti. BDS 255 pp. Story of the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions Movement. Patterened after the Boycott of South Africa which broke the apartheid regime there. 485 pp.
2012 Our Harsh Logic: Israeli Soldiers Testimonies from the Occupied Territories: 2001-2010 376 pp. ‘Breaking the Silence’ is comprised of Israeli military veterans who expose what they did and/or witnessed done to Palistinians in the Occupied Territories. Beatings, gassing, torture, killing, humiliation. Forcing a Palestinian farmer to wait for hours at a checkpoint until the milk he was going to sell spoils in the heat, etc.
14 June, 2009 Find and read Netanyahu speech where he says Israel will never negotiate with Hamas. printed in full by Al Jazeera: Baby Netanyahu gives long-winded speech in Tel Aviv where he says, “I turn to our Palestinian neighbors, led by the Palestinian Authority, and I say, “Lets begin negotiations immediately, with out preconditions…” Then he rattles off a raft of Israel’s preconditions:
2014 Goliath: Life and Loathing in Greater Israel. by Max Blumenthal. 496 pages. With the possible exception of Norman Finkelstein, Max Blumenthal is might be the most reviled Jew on the Israel Lobby’s long list. He’s smart, tenacious, a decent human being and he’s got a curious knack for cutting through Zionist hasbara.
January, 2014 Zionism Unsettled: A Congregational Study Guide. Israel/Palestine Mission Network of the Presbyterian Church (USA). Among the growing number of Christian denominations that examine Israel’s occupation in context of their own faith, this study guide was a catalyst for the Presbyterians voting to support BDS.
2015 “Terror in Galilee: British-Jewish Collaboration and the Special Night Squads in Palestine during the Arab Revolt, 1938-1939” by Matthew Hughes-The Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History. Volume 43, 2015-Issue 4. Hostile populations. Pg. 590-610.
2016 Obstacle to Peace: The US Role in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict by Jeremy R. Hammond, with a Foreword by Richard Falk. 505 pp.
July, 16, 2017 Testimonies from the censored Deir Yassin Masacre: ‘They Piled Bodies and Burned them’ “A young fellow tied to a tress and set on fire. a woman and an old man shot in the back. Girls lined up against a wall and shot with a sub-machine gun.” The testimonials collected by film maker Neta Shoshami about the massacre in Deir Yassin are difficult to process even 70 years after the fact.” Haaretz, by Ofer Aderet. This is probably the best known massacre by the Jewish terrorist group Lehi (aka the Stern Gang) who, along with the terrorist milita Irgun, headed by Menachem Begin (later Prime Minister of Israel, massacred village men, women, and children. From a letter by Lehi terrorist Yehuda Feder, who boasted of killing village residents, including girls ages 16 or 17, that he shot with a sub-machine gun, then looting the village. “We confiscated a lot of money, and silver and gold jewelry fell into our hands.” “This was a really tremendous operation and it was with reason that the left is vilifying us again.”
June, 03, 2021 Hamas? It’s Israel’s leaders who are hiding behind civilians again. Haaretz by B. Michael, (Haaretz is Israel’s oldest newspaper). The author lays out how Israel uses it’s own society as human shields, which it always claims Hamas is doing. Some points:
*Israeli smart bombs [paid for by American tax payers] that can be flown into a bathroom window, can’t seem to hit Hamas leaders but kill large numbers of women and children instead. “…the operation should have been called the Joy of Killing and not Guardian of the Walls” Here’s a “partial list of hiding places of Israel’s leaders; both political and military:
1) Israeli Military Headquarters hides behind the civilian residents of central Tel Aviv and the patients at Ichilov Hospital just 450 meters from the office of the Commander in Chief.
2) Tel Hashomer Military Base hides behind Sheba Medical Center outside Tel Aviv.
3) Haifa Naval Base hides behind Rambam Medical Center
4) The Entire Colonist Project puts women and children in occupied attack zones.
5) Prime Minister Neanyahu hides behind civilian residents by living in Jerusalem’s Talbieh neighborhood.
6) Naftali Bennet (Prime Minister June 2021-June 2022) hides in the civilian neighborhood of Ra’anana.
7) The Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz hides in Rosh Ha’ayin.
8) The Military Chief hides in Moshav Adi.
9) The Deputy Military Chief hides behind civilians in Hod Hasharon.
“And so on; they’re all sheltering behind civilians, as if they were all Hamasniks.”
The ‘settlement enterprise” is entirely sheltered behind civilians. “It…derives most of its power from launching civilians–men, women, and children–into war zones. It’s quick to translate every injury to its people into demands for land and funding.
February 19,2024 Remembering Ibrahim Abu Thuraya: disabled Palestinian, rights activist, freedom fighter. Medium by Hernan Bonomo. A good article about a great man.
August/September 2024 edition of Capitol Hill Citizen: Along with a myriad of issues Americans should know about, this fall edition calls out Congress groveling to Netanyahu with 52 standing ovations during his speech on the House floor, exposes why the Black Caucus won’t support its own members against the Israel Lobby, and reveals why 40,000 dead in Gaza is closer to 300,000 available in print only here:
Graves (1) Excerpts from Palestine Land of Three Faiths by Phillip Graves circa 1923
Introduction by DA Hogarth who says “It was not realized by our Government of 1917 how far it was a settled land in occupation of a people Arab in tradition and hope…If the facts had been known, (Zionist) extremists like Jabotinisky and Ussishkin would never have been granted opportunity to raise the flag of coming domination among a people (Palestinians) whose ancestors were on the land before the Normans landed in England.” [This is rubbish,of course the British Government knew.]
Graves: pg 16 …”the road enters Jerusalem through a mean unplanned quarter of houses jerry-built for the Jewish immigrants of the eighties of the last century.” [the 1880’s, that is].
pg 36 British military didn’t believe anyone could make a serious attack on the Suez Canal, which Graves describes elsewhere as the ‘spinal cord’ of the Empire. Then, in 1915, 20,000 Turks appeared at the Canal region with heavy guns they’d brought across the desert. They left after shelling a few ships in the Canal. In 1916 the Turks did it again, this time with 6″ and 8 ” howitzers. German aircraft raided Port Said and Cairo, Graves writes, “It became alarmingly clear that the only way to make the Canal reasonably secure against attack was to carry the bridgehead as far as Galilee.
pg 44 On July 18, 1917, a draft text of what was afterwards known as the Balfour Declaration was submitted by Lord Rothschild to Mr. Balfour.” The Zionists wanted the document to read ‘reconstruction of the National home of the Jewish people.” The British changed that to ‘establishment of a National home for the Jewish people.”
pg 45 Zionist negotiations with England were partly settled because President Woodrow Wilson, prodded by Zionist Justice Brandeis, intervened on behalf of the Zionists.
pg 46: Text of Balfour Declaration (Balfour was Foreign Secretary at the time, he didn’t write the Declaration, the Zionists did). Here’s the Declaration:
“His Majesty’s government views with favor the establishment in Palestine of a National Home for the Jewish People, and will use their best endeavors to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.”
pg. 47: claims were made that the British withheld content of Balfour Declaration until after the war. Graves says the Germans put it out on the wireless in 1917 and it was being discussed in the Middle East by January 1918.
pb. 50: Graves claims British didn’t really renege on promises made to King Hussein and the Palestinians by giving Palestine to Zionist Jews under Balfour Agreement in 1917 when they’d made agreements with Arabs in 1915 that, in return for Arab military support (on pg. 40 Graves says Hussein did take up arms against the Turks–and spread revolt aided by T.E. Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia) which drew large Turkish forces away from other parts of the war). Graves claims agreements with Sharif of Mecca made by Sir Henry McMahon in 1915/1916 were nullified by Balfour and that King Hussein claimed to be acting on behalf of the Arab people which Graves calls a ‘nebulous political entity.’ [This is weak on Graves’ part since he said earlier that many Jews were working against Zionist plans when the Zionists claimed to be working on behalf of the Jewish people].
pg. 54 Sir Henry McMahon’s denial that he intended Palestine to be included in his “undertakings” with Hussein were at odds with the Sykes/Picot agreement between England and France which Graves makes the absurd claim that McMahon didn’t know about, as they were being written about the same time.
pg. 55: December 1917, British caopture Jerusalem. September 1918 Battle of Sharon-Esdraelon ends Turkish rule in Palestine. Ottoman Turks had dominated Palestine since Sultan Selim’s conquest of the Mamluks in 1517. Chaim Weizmann leaves Palestine the same month. Zionist Commission he left there begins to crate friction with British and Arabs.
ps. 57: Zionist Organization proposals presented to Paris Peace Conference February, 1919. Graves says Zionists published REZO (?) which he (Graves) should have remained confidential.
pg 63 “Meanwhile, the Secretary for the Colonies (Mr. Churchill) paid a brief visit to Palestine. His arrival was celebrated by a small anti-Jewish riot at Haifa, which was promptly suppressed with the loss of two killed to the rioters. At Jerusalem the Colonial Secretary not only reaffirmed the Balfour Declaration, but energetically reproved an Arab Delegation which demanded its repudiation.”
pg 66 Graves casually shines off British violence to put down Arab demonstrations including by use of machine guns, airplanes, and armored cars. He portrays Arab concerns, and themselves, as products of excitable, rather backward people. At the same time Graves minimizes Zionist gun running:”There was a small riot, accompanied by loss of life, at Jerusalem in November, 1921; in the winter much excitement was caused among the Arabs by the official [eg British] discovery that certain Jewish residents had been importing relatively considerable quantities of firearms, both illegally and clandestinely, and that a sort of armed force had again been formed by some Jews.”
pg 67 In 1922 Lord Northrip visited Palestine, that the Islamo-Christian Society would cause trouble, authorities ordered an armored car [just like England was using in Ireland at the time to surpress the Irish Rebellion] in case Northrip had to be rescued. An appalled Northrip, “…saw it as proof of the Arab contention that the country was ruled with an iron hand, and could not be persuaded that Palestine was not becoming “a second Ireland,” terrorized by aeroplanes and amoured cars…”
pg. 70 “In the statement the Colonial Office made it clear that, while the British Government reaffirmed the Balfour Declaration, It had no intention that Palestine “should become as Jewish as England is English,” that the Arab population, language or culture should disappear or be subordinated, and that any section of the population should have any other status than that of the rest of the citizens of Palestine in the eyes of the law. It was also formally laid down that the special position of the Zionist Executive in Palestine did not “entitle it to share in any degree” in the government of the country.”
pg 73 “There remained the question of the Mandate. It had long been delayed through difficulties with the United States arising out of the claims of the Standard Oil Company…”
pg. 74 Vatican wants British assurance that Jews won’t get preferential treatment and that Christian Holy Sites will be protected from Zionist take over.
on Page 118 is a list of the principle Arab Grievances. Here’s a clipped synopsis:
a) Zionists leading British Administration to establish a National Home for Jews and not for benefit of all Palestinians.
b) British Government’s official advisory body is the Zionist Commission which puts Jewish interests before all others.
c) Undue proportion of Jews in Government Service.
d) Part of Zionist agenda is flooding Palestine with greater commercial and organizing ability/resources that will usurp the rest of the population.
e) Jewish immigrants are favored in economic competition.
f) “That immigrant Jews offend by their arrogance and by their contempt of Arab social prejudices.”
g) As reported in Britain’s ‘Report of the Commission of Inquiry re the Disturbances in Palestine in May, 1921, p.51. Bolshevik immigrants sowing social and economic unrest.
Based on the above seven grievances there is widespread Arab belief that: “…the Zionist Executive in Palestine, working in conjunction with the world-wide Zionist Organization, is encouraging and organizing this immigration with the object of so strengthening the Jewish element in Palestine as to enable it to bit sooner, rather than later, for political supremacy in the country…”
Population Census Palestine 1921
Sunni Muslim 589,564
Shia Muslim 156
Total of Muslims 589,720
Christians 73,026
Jews and Samaritans* 83,957
Druses 7,028
Bahais 265
Hinuds and Sikhs* 1,862
Population total 755,858
*Hindu and Sikh were Indian troops garrisoned in Palestine. Samaritan numbered 163
pg 121 “Of the new immigrant Jews, of whom some 30,000 at most have entered Palestine since the end of the Great War, [4 years at the time of writing] the majority are Halutzim from Eastern and East Central Europe. Many of them are blond, bue-eyed people… Whatever their origin, whether they ae converted Slavs or descendants of the enigmatic Khazars, these Ashkenazi Jews are far more Europeanized in appearance than most of their Sephardic co-religionists from the Mediterranean lands, and the Arab therefore regards their coming not as the return of a long-lost but still recognizable kinsman, but as an invasion of Europeans, alien in speech, in customs and in appearance.”
pg 124 “The smuggling of arms must be discussed elsewhere. It need only be said here that, according to information from unbiased sources, there are still too many service rifles, mostly of Turkish origin, in Palestinian Arab hands.” [note ‘unbiased sources’ not named, and the British knew Zionists, not Arabs, were smuggling arms into Palestine].
pg 136 “Before the war foreigners, corporations and non-Moslem religious and charitable bodies could not register their ownership of land except int he name of a trustee who was an Ottoman subject. Under the British dispensation coporate bodies and foreigners can own land.”
pg 137/38 “Yet this (Zionist) colony and others have made good. It is true that they owed much to the generous aid of Baron Edmond de Rothschild, without which the first colonies would have met with disaster, and some of those founded later would have come to complete financial grief…”
“There are now just over sixty Jewish colonies in Palestine. Of these twenty-one are in Judea, and thirty in Galilee, the remainder being in Samaria…Thirteen belong to the Jewish National Fund, which was established by the Zionist Organization to purchase lands, which should remain the National property of the Jewish community. The colonies of Tel Adas and Kalandieh belong to the Palestine Land Development Company, which is another Zionist offshoot. The older colonies were mostly founded by Baron Edmond de Rothschild, and by the I.C.A. (Jewish Colonization Association), to which Baron Edmond entrusted the management of the colonies which he founded. The total population of the colonies is now between 18,000 and 19,000.
pg 140 “…the area of all the Jewish settlements is not far short of 150,000 acres. The value of the estates and settlements of the Jewish National Federation alone is estimated at 454,000 pounds.
pg 141-42 Graves describes three ‘very distinct’ classes of urban Jews. 1) black-coated class: professional officials, administrators in the Zionist Organization. Also Jews who’d come to Palestine with money and were able to live well on their incomes. 2) working class: skilled and unskilled laborers, mechanics, crafts people. 3) The Haluka: class of Jews who’d been long in Palestine and who live mostly on charity, started by Venetian Jews in 1601. The Haluka starved during the war when donations from Europe dried up. Black coats viewed the Haluka with a mix of pity and contempt while much of the working class considered the Haluka lazy and disliked them.
pg 145 Graves says after Mopsi (Jewish Communist) propaganda sparked the Jaffa riots, most were expelled from Palestine.
pg 148 Graves on Jewish Labor Leader in Palestine Mr. I. Ben-Zvi. “No other Labor man in the country has the same power over his followers as he…He is said to be mainly responsible for the revival of the Hagana or Jewish Defense Force, and, it is supposed or inferred, for the importation of arms, the discovery of which aroused some alarm in the winter of 1920-1921.” [The Hagana terrorist organization later became the Israeli Defense Force.] …”…the policy of secret arming which many of (the Zionists) was deplorable. They could not keep their mouths closed, but must needs tell Arabs.”
pg 149 The British offered to recognize Hagana as a ‘force or armed constables’ that the British would call on in the event of trouble.
pg 150 Zionists wanted to revive Hebrew in schools. “There had been attempts to boycott Jewish schools where Hebrew was not the medium of instruction. But given the diversity of origin of the Jews in Palestine–Western Jews who speak the language of their countries of origin, Eastern Jews who speak Judaeo-German (Yiddish) or Russian, Mediterranean Jews who speak “Spaniolo” (Juneao-Spanish) Jews of the Arab world who speak dialects of Arabic, Bokharan Jews who speak Usbek Turkish, Persian Jews who speak Persian–a common language was a logical necessity if the Jews of Palestine were to be united in one community.”
pg 152 “The construction of a harbor at Haifa is necessary…It will be of great value should the projects for a trans-desert railway to Basra and the Persian Gulf and for the construction of a pipe-line to carry Mesopotamian oil to the Mediterranean materialize.”
pg 154 Graves discusses ‘Rutenberg Scheme’ of co-opting the Jordan and Yarmouk Rivers. Rutenberg was a Russian-Jewish engineer, terrorist, who became Chief of Police in Russia under the Kerensky Government. Tried to hang Lenin and Trotzky. He fled Russia and went to Palestine to pursue his water schemes, not only of daming the Jordan but of the draining of Lake Huleh, building canals, and lowering the Dead Sea to expose potash and other chemicals (all later recognized as environmental disasters). Rutenberg was bankrolled by a Jewish colonization fund created by the Allual Zionist Congress in 1920. The British Colonial office granted Rutenberg an exclusive, 70-year lease on July 04, 1922 before the British Mandate to Palestine was granted when the Brits had denied British and Arab applicants Long story short, the Zionists were given a monopoly of water and electricial generation in Palestine. Graves dismisses other bidders by saying the Gentile capitalists probably wanted too much of a return and, “The theory that the Arabs could have found the capital and the brains for such an undertaking may be rapidly dismissed.”
pg 162 Between 1908-1914 the Zionist organization toook charge of schools. Created a ‘single school system’. At the outbreak of WW1 there had been 140 Jewish schools with 500 teachers.
pg 163 In 1918 Funds given by the Executive of the Zionist Organization to the Palestinian Office for relief, educaton, etc were redirected to the Zionist Commission who doled it out to he Palestinian Office. In 1919 the Palestinian Office was absorbed by the Zionist Commission under Mr. Ussishkin.
pg 166 The (Zionist) Commission was allowed extensive use of the military telephones and cables, and persons recommended by it, who were naturally Zionist Jews.”
pg 167 “…by 1917 (Ussishkin) was the most powerful personality among the Zionist Jews of Russia…But he had the defects of many extreme Zionists–a narrow outlook, a great intolerance of criticism, an unwillingness to look disagreeable facts in the face.”
pg 169 38th and 39th 169 Royal Fusiliers (Jewish battalions) in English Army.
1920 Zionists paid extra stipends to Jewish police and civil servants which rankled non-Jewish workers.
pg 170 British officials were aware that Zionist civil servants were monitoring British calls and cables.
pg 171 “Dr. Eder, Chairman of the Zionist Commission, when questioned by the British Commission of Inquiry on Disturbances, May 21. “…he was perfectly frank in expressing his view of the Zionist ideal…In his opinion there can only be one National Home in Palestine, and that a Jewish one, and no equality in the partnership between Jews and Arabs, but a Jewish predominance as soon as the numbers of that race are sufficiently increased. He declined to admit the word ‘dominion,’ but chose ‘predominance.’ … he was quite clear that the Jews should, and the Arabs should not, have the right to bear arms, and he stated his belief that this discrimination would tend to improve Arab-Jewish relations.”
pg 173 Zionists blame Arab hostility not on their own tactical errors, but to foreign intrigue and above all the what they describe as the anti-Zionism of British officials.
pg 176 (Zionist newcomers to Palestine called moderate Jews who’d been in Palestine for years) “Sons of the Baron” or “Sons of Benjamin” due to support that had been given them by Baron Benjamin Rothschild. The Sons of Benjamin accused the Zionist Executive of inflaming Arabs against the Jews, not distributing aid money fairly, importing too many Russians with Socialist ideals who didn’t know how to do much, etc.
pg 178 Agudath Yisrael had some of the best schools and hospitals in Palestine before WW1. Their financial support base was mostly from the poorer European countries. Agudath didn’t get along with the Zionist newbies. “The war brought financial ruin in the Agudath in Palestine. A great number of the Jews of the ‘Haluka,’ who had been its principal supporters, died of hunger or hunger-induced epidemics. The greatest misery prevailed among these people when the British entered Jerusalem. While the Zioniists obtained help from America and the Western Jews, the Agudath could only count on mere pittances from Poland. Under the British military regime the Zionists obtained the Administration of the American Relief Fund from the American Joint Distribution Committee, because the Zionist Commission had obtained official recognition from the British Government.” [long story short, the Zionists used relief money to get control of Jewish education. There was also bitterness between Sephardic Jews and the Zionists as the former were excluded from politics.]
pg 183 Jewish National Fund established to buy land in Palestine. Keren Ha-Yesod (foundation fund)
pg 185 “Past political errors cannot be rapidly and easily expiated, and their results persist long after the policy inspired by them has been abandoned. …”The British Government, which, after its initial error of believing that the Zionists were the only force that counted in the Jewish world…harm had been done not only to Zionist but the British prestige, and has been at least as guilty.”
Chapter 9 is supposed to be Graves’ debunking of ‘The Learned Elders of Zion’ which was published in a series of three articles by Graves in ‘The Tiimes’. In which Graves bases his argument on a person who, “wished and still wishes his name to be withheld.” This nameless person gave a ‘forgotten French political pamphlet’ from 1865 (57 years earlier) to Graves who says the pamphlet was directed at Napoleon and the author of the Elders swapped Jewish intrigues for Napoleon’s intrigues. Take or leave it.
pg 199: 1919 Leader of European Zionism, Dr.Weizmann tells Peace Conference the Zionists want to create conditions in Palestine where they can bring in 50,000-60,000 Jews per year and that “Palestine should be just as Jewish as America is American and England is English.
pg 201 Graves poo-poohs Arab suspicions of Zionists when Arabs refuse to work on quarries under the Mosque of Omar because they’re worried the Zionists will take it over. (This tunneling has come to pass with support from American Jewish diplomats to Israel.)
The British used Zionists both Jewish and Christian in high offices in Palestine. Which made the Arabs distrust the British. (Just as they distrust Americans for doing the same thing 100 years later. )
pg 208 British estimate 1,500,000,000 tons of potassium chloride and 300,000,000 tons of magnesium bromide could be mined from the Dead Sea.
pg 220 Zionists want Lower Yarmuk Valley for the Rutenberg Scheme, Great Britain wants a Naval base at Haifa, a pipe-line connecting Persian oil fields to Haifa.
pg 238 “Our errors have been errors of omission, but they have led to errors of commission by the Zionists.
pg 246: Graves expresses British worries about what will happen when they withdraw from the Suez Canal Zone:”Which is the spinal cord of our Empire and the troops, who will guard the most vital point on our line of communications with our Easter Empire and our Australiasian fellow-citizens of the British Commonwealth…We cannot allow any potentially hostile power to establish itself in Palestine within easy air distance of the Suez Canal. Palestine is necessary to us until the League of Nations represents America and all Europe…” “So, we must have a land behind our Canal garrisons. but it must be a quiet land, a moral and military and financial asset, not a liability. By supporting moderate Zionism we may gain the one. By supporting political Zionism we shall be saddled with the other.”
pg 247 Last line of the book after describing the ‘bridgehead’ of the Suez Canal. Graves writes, “But let us be honest with our own people and tell them plainly and fully why we are in Palestine and why we must guard the bridgehead.”
(2) “Life of Brian” Censored Otto scene from the original 1979 screenplay published by Evre Methuen Ltd, London. pg 48.
O=Otto B=Brian Otto, wearing a helmet with Star of David on the front with its edges bent into a swastika, emerges into an ally where he meets Brian.
O: Hail Leader.
B: What?
O: Oh, I’m so sorry. Have you seen the new Leader?
B: The what?
O: The new Leader. Where is the new Leader? I wish to hail him. Hail Leader! See.
B: Oh. Who are you?
O: My name. Is. Otto.
B: Oh.
O: Yes. Otto. It’s time, you know…
B: What?
O:…Time that we Jews racially purified ourselves.
B: Oh.
O: He’s right you know. The new Leader. We need more living room. We must move into the traditionally Jewish area of Samaria.
B: What about the Samarians?
O: Well, we can put them in little camps. And after Samaria we must move into Jordan and create a great Jewish state that will last a Thousand years…
B: Yes. I’m not sure that I…
O: Oh, I grow so impatient you know. Te see the Leader that has been promised our people for centuries. The Leader who will save Israel by ridding it of the scum of non-Jewish people, making it pure, no foreigners, no gypsies, no riffraff.
B: Shhh, Otto.
O: What, the Leader: Hail Leader!
B: No, no. It’s dangerous.
O: Oh, danger: There is no danger. (flicks his fingers) Men! [out comes the suicide squad]
* Interesting side note. On the internet there are numerous clips purporting to be this censored scene but all those I’ve turned up have been clipped themselves so you don’t hear the juicy bits that offended Hollywood.
Back in 1979 this film so offended Christians that it was banned in a number of countries which gave it considerable publicity. Everyone wanted to see it.
Following is an excerpt from the book: “Monty Python: The Case Against” by Robert Hewison. Grove Press, 1981, page 69. The Jewish-Nazi Otto raise more sensitive issues, where the satire on contemporary Zionism, making the point that fascism and racism can exist anywhere, was bound to cause problems with the Jewish lobby in the United States, particularly since the entertainment industry contains many Jewish executives. The film had been made without any prior commitments from or to distribution companies, and without a distributor 2 million pounds plus interest was at risk. Otto–doubtless an ardent reader of Loki–did not go down at all well when the film was offered to Paramount Pictures for distribution in the United States.