Top Black Racists 2023/24 WAZ AWARDS #3 Al

Part 3 : Al Purdy                                   in progress

We Watch ‘The Moral Challanges of the Gaza War’ 11/03/2023 The Glenn Show. Featuring: Glenn ‘Glennocide’ Loury (GL) Professor Brown University, Rhode Island 
and John ‘Smoke them Out’ McWhorter (JM) Professor Columbia University, New York.

Back to: The Glenn Show:

As we watched Professor McWhorter say, “…the idea being that this [Hamas attack ]is their only recourse, to battle this imperialism, and the thing is, it’s not their only recourse, there’s a such thing (sic) as taking a deep breath and doing things that are less dramatic and take longer time but respect human life more. “

   “Take a deep breath.” Al said. “There we go: Take a deep breath. It’s only been 150 years since the first European Jewish agricultural station was built in Palestine–that was Mikveh Israel back in 1870 (by wild coincidence, the year after the Suez Canal, most lucrative waterway in the world, was finished next door).
Take a deep breath. Only 140 years since the first waves of Russian Jews moved to Palestine, taking over Palestinian land, bankrolled by Rothschild endowments.
   Take a deep breath. Only 120 years since Zionist front-man Theodore Herzl was writing copy in European news papers for the Ottoman Turks saying the Armenian Genocide wasn’t so bad. Herzl was trying to curry favor with the Ottomans to let Zionists have Palestine.
    Take a deep breath. Only been 100 years since World War I when Ben Gurion claimed he’d raise an army of Jews for the Turks against the British. At the same time, 100,000 Arabs were fighting against the Turks and bleeding for the British because of the Hussein-McMahon dispatches which promised Palestine to the Arabs. Take a deep breath.
Take a deep breath .”   When America came into that war and it was clear the Allies would win, the Zionists dumped the Turks in a New York minute, went with the British, who betrayed the Arabs and granted Palestine to the Zionists with the Balfour Declaration. Balfour didn’t write the declaration, by the way. Lord Rothschild handed it to him.
Take a deep breath .”Only been a hundred years since the Jaffa Riots.
Take a deep breath .”Only 90 years since Orde Wingate’s Anglo-Zionist death squads began killing Palestinians to clear the place for Jewish settlements and protect Western oil pipelines.  Zionist barrel bombs, murders, whole village… take a deep breath.
Take a deep breath .”Heck, it’s only 82 years since Zionists terrorists in the Stern Gang offered to fight for the Nazis against the British if they could have Palestine.
Take a deep breath .”After Pearl Harbor America came into the war and what did the Zionists do? They dumped the British for America because they’d been working the American government to give them Palestine. They got whole ship loads of surplus weapons. Then all they had to do was get rid of 750,000 Palestinians who lived there. The Nakba!

Take a deep breath .” Palestinians. It’s only been 76 years since mass killings, mass rapes, 500 villages erased. That peaked in 1948, by the way. Same year Glenn Loury was born. Since then, Israel uses Gaza as a laboratory to test its weapons on civilian populations. They laugh about it. ‘Mowing the lawn.”

Take a deep breath .”Two million people in a gulag the size of Bakersfield, California. Can’t get out. Israel counts every calorie. When they shut off the food they call it ‘Putting the Palestinians on a diet.’ Surrounded by the occupiers. Patrolled 24/7 by Israeli occupation troops, drones, no airport. no seaports, no hope, 98 % of the water contaminated because Israel takes their water… Take a deep breath.

“Maybe ‘merica shoulda took a deep breath and not fought for freedom in 1776.” Sonny said. “Maybe we didn’t need no Civil War for the slaves, neither. Hunnert’s of thousands of men dead. Now that was dramatic.”

“Maybe the Zulu shouldn’t have fought the British in South Africa. Take a deep breath.”

“Maybe the ANC in South Africa shouldn’t have fought apartied. Take a deep breath. None of that dramatic Mandella armed resistance shit. He was on the American terrorist list until 2008.”

“Maybe the Irish were too dramatic. After a mere 400 years of land siezures, rapes, murders, two famines, and millions transported, they thought fighting back was the best they could do. Take a deep breath, Paddy.”

“Maybe Omar Muktar in Libya should have let Mussulini have the place. Take a deep breath.”

“Maybe the Apache, Comanche, Souix, Seminole, and Tlingit shouldn’t have been so dramatic. “Take a deep breath. Take a deep breath. Take a deep breath.”

“Maybe the Viet Cong should have let France have Viet Nam. Or America after that.” Take a deep breath.

“Professor McWhorter,” Tim said, “Feels, “…this idea of collective responsibility, frankly it’s rather primitive.”

Roy crossed his arms, “Lot of Americans in their ivory towers don’t believe Israelis have collective responsibility, but they’re just fine with Israelis inflicting collective punishment on Palestinians. Cutting off food and water for two million people in this genocide unfolding right now. Half of them children.You guys noticed how many American tools supporting Israel’s genocide are against abortion? Fifty thousand pregnant women. Fifty thousand fetuses starving in their mother’s womb. They’re fine with that. Fine with killing tens of thousands of them. Bombing their homes.” He shook his head. “And we’re primitive he says! Call me a Neanderthal. I believe in collective responsibility. Our country most of all. We’re responsible for this Palestinian genocide because Israel’s nothing without America. And you’d better believe it’s going to come back on us in malt or in mead .”

Next we learned that the learned professor considers us racist if we support Hamas. He said we obviously think Hamas and the Palestinians are lower beings who can’t do any better.

“Obviously? I always appreciate it when someone I’ve never met explains me to myself.” Tony said. “He wouldn’t say that to my face. Can’t picture him saying it to a guy in the Qassam Brigade, either.”

“They’s higher beings, far as I’m concerned.” Sonny put in. “Qassam Brigade, that is. Higher’n me. Men whut can stand up to the most advanced military the bankrupt ‘merican tax payer can provide has my respect. They take down Merkava IV tanks with whut they make in the cellar. Bet there ain’t no marshmallow professor in the Ivy League can do that.”

“Stand by, gents.”  Tim said. “He’s not done.”

to be continued