Part 2: Sonny Stokes in progress
We Watch ‘The Moral Challenges of the Gaza War’ 11/03/2023 The Glenn Show. Featuring: Glenn ‘Glennocide’ Loury (GL) Professor Brown University, Rhode Island and John ‘Smoke them Out’ McWhorter (JM) Professor Columbia University, New York.
Back to: The Glenn Show: As we watched Professor McWhorter say variations of
‘fourteen…hundred…people…brutally…slaughtered’, multiple times we began to raise our coffee cups repeating,
“fourteen…hundred…people…” taking a sip of coffee like those drinking games we used to play. All except Tim who said, “You might want to get that out or your system before he starts saying, “I get it.” You drink coffee every time he says that you’ll be awake for days.”
Roy pointed out that with three tours in the Middle East Sonny had seen the most combat of any of us in the room. “What was your first thought when you saw footage of this attack when Hamas flew over the wall.”
“Them flying monkey go-carts you mean? I thought, “That’s about the coolest damn thing I ever seen.” Sonny said, “Except I couldn’t figure how those Hamas boys could get off the ground with steel balls that big. Second thing I thought was, ‘It’s duck season.'”
“Duck season?”
“Yeah, duck season. Mardell and her women friends was out on the wet lands huntin’ ducks that morning. Buncha fifty-something women out in the rain before dawn. First light it’s bang, bang, bang. Now, your average duck’s the size of a table lamp, highly maneverable, quiet, and flies fifty miles an hour. Mardell takes her limit every year. She don’t have watch towers with telescopes, remote controlled sniper rifles, spy drones, radar,or surveillance cameras. She’s got reflexes and a steady finger on the trigger. Anything inside forty yards is going home in the sack. These Israelis though, our great allies, after all the hunnerts of billions of dollars we give ’em, they cain’t shoot down flying go-carts you can hear a mile away, that’s fifty feet off the deck, with a two-hunnert square foot canopy, going twenty miles an hour! Most of ’em didn’t even try. They just up and ran for it. I ain’t the only one whut thought it was cool, neither. You notice footage of the go-carts, and Israelis towing jet planes and whatnot away from military bases trying to get away from Hamas disappeared off the media pretty quick.
You give Mardell a shot gun and a box of shells; why she’d put the Israeli Diaper Force to shame. ‘Course they’d have to keep her pointed away from the Israelis. ‘Specially now after whut they done to Moaiad and his family. She thinks a lot of that boy.”
“How many boxes of 30.06 rounds did you burn through with Moaiad?”
Sonny smiled, “How many ammo cans you mean. Enough so he can hit a quarter at 300 yards. Not many Israelis can say that. Israeli army motto’s, ‘Ready, Shoot, Aim’. Watch ’em on the news spraying ammunition everywhere. Ammunition gratis from the ‘merican tax payer. Shooting at nothing. Palestinians don’t have enough ammunition to waste it like that. They pop out of a tunnel. Pop a Zionist trooper. Then dive under ground again.”
“Far as October 7, Hamas went after Israel’s Southern Command and kicked its ass. Them kibbles and the military bases they’s attached to…”
“I think you mean kibbutzum, Sonny.”
Sonny brushed it off like a fly, “Yeah, them. Them’s closed military zones. Designated Closed Military Zones. You know whut that means to an enemy? That there means they’s targets. Fair game. Hamas didn’t behead no babies like lyin’ Biden said. They didn’t put no babies in ovens. Hamas didn’t commit no mass rapes like our lyin’ media said. Use your heads people. Israel wants you to believe Hamas spent years planning this thing, and part of the plan was to stop in the middle of a fire fight for a gang bang? That’s stupid with two o’s. Hamas went over the wall for a couple things: 1) To take hostages to trade for thousands of Palestinian hostages rotting in Israeli jails–including kids. 2) To take Israel’s top secret computers with all Israel’s operation plans for attacking Gaza, plus lists of Israel’s spies in Gaza, plus what radar and such Israel’s got where, and who knows whut-all. They could give that to anyone in the Middle East whut could use it. 3) They wanted to kill Israeli soldiers who got in the way, the ones whut was the cork in the bottle keeping ’em prisoners in the world’s biggest open air prison. And far as them people in the kibbles, if they wasn’t troops, what were they doing there? I tell you whut. If Hamas done that, ‘merican media’d be shoutin’ ‘Human shields! Human shields!'”
“Sonny’s right,” Al said. “Back in 1956 Moshe Dyan, one of the original terrorists who trained with Orde Wingate’s death squads in the 1930’s, spelled it out. “Why should we declare their burning hatred for us? For eight years they have been sitting in refugee camps camps in Gaza, and before their eyes we have been transforming the lands and villages, where they and their fathers dwelt, to our estate.” Now it’s going on eighty years Palestinians have been sitting in refugee camps.”
“And you tell me.” Sonny went on. “Where do them armored bulldozers and tanks roll in from when they go flatten Palestinian crops and fields on the Gaza side? Israel’s Southern Command! Where’s the remote controlled spy stations and gun towers at? Where do them drones and bombers fly out of? All them massacres Israelis call ‘mowing the lawn’ where do they deploy from? How ’bout 2018-19 during the ‘Great March of Return’ when Israel shot up and killed hunnerts of Palestinians standing on the Gaza side of the fence, and wounded more than 36,000– 10,000 of them maimed for life, where did Israel billet all them sons-a-bitches? Why, how about in Israel’s Southern Command installations Hamas attacked on October 7?”
“Karma man,” Cosmo said. “What goes around comes around.”
“Whut’s come around,” Sonny said. “Is low tech against high tech and whut ‘mericans cain’t wrap their heads around is low tech violence wins if they’s enough low tech troops who’s motivated and willing to take losses. Look at Hamas. Look at Hez-bo-llah. Look at the Hoothi. All of ’em kicking ass. Not just Israeli ass, either. ‘merican and European navy ass, too. Israeli’s–and ‘merican kids far as that goes–none of ’em want to get whacked for Netanyahu or Dick Cheney’s oil rigs on the Golan Heights.”
And you want to talk about Karma? I say it’s about damn time Karma come around for whut Israel done to the USS Liberty in 1967 when Israel kilt 34 ‘merican sailors and marines and wounded 172 trying to pull us into their war with Egypt. Broad daylight attack, two hours long, on the most sophisticated ‘merican ship in the world and Israel–to this day–claims it was an accident! Accident!? Claim they thought the Liberty was a 1920’s Egyptian horse carrier. If they’s that incompetent we shouldn’t give ’em a pea shooter…You know who says they done it on purpose? Admiral Thomas Moorer, Chief of Naval Operations in 1967, that’s who. AND, Marine Corps General Ray Davis, AND Richard Helms-the Head of the CIA in 1967, AND the Captain and crew of the Liberty…anybody believes Israel over our own people ain’t no kind of ‘merican in my book.”
“Not to mention Israel’s bombing campaign against Americans and the English in Egypt in the ’50’s.” Tony said. “Or them trying to assassinate our diplomat John Gunther Dean in the 70’s because he was negotiating a peace deal with Lebanon.”
“Or Israel paying Jonathan Pollard to spy on America in the ’80’s.”
Gene said. “Worst breach of military intelligence in history. Israel turned around and sold it to Russia.”
“Israel sells Russia ‘merica’s top-secret weapons we give ’em, too. Sells ’em to the Chinese, too. Israelis put it in their newspapers but this country don’t. That’s your ally.”
Al said. “Let’s watch the professors a little more.”
To be continued …