Top Black Racists 2023/24 WAZ AWARDS #4 Tony

Part 4: Tony Columbo                       in progress

We Watch ‘The Moral Challanges of the Gaza War’ 11/03/2023 The Glenn Show. Featuring: Glenn ‘Glennocide’ Loury (GL) Professor Brown University, Rhode Island 
and John ‘Smoke them Out’ McWhorter (JM) Professor Columbia University, New York.

Back to the show then, The Glenn Show:

Being four minutes and change into the ordeal we’d already learned a whole lot, and all free, too. None of that eighty thousand a year tuition for us. It was at this point we were edified by the linguist saying, “Nobody would imagine a white person from somewhere in Connecticut pumping their fist as somebody who claimed to represent them, went over a fence and butchered fourteen…hundred…people. Unthinkable!”

Tony motioned for Tim to stop the show. “Tell me, my friends. Didn’t people used to go to universities to think?” Now we got a guy telling us what everyone in this room is thinking–is unthinkable.”

Roy smiled that enigmatic smile. “I doubt he meant to Tony, but he’s just opened Overton’s Window. It’s the nature of the window that the whole panorama can shift and what used to be ‘unthinkable!” becomes acceptable or even popular.”

“Never heard of it.” Tony said. “But I’ve heard of Connecticut and he’s comparing apples and tractors. I’ve spent time in ‘The Land of Steady Habits’ my friend. Connecticut’s 5,542 square miles. Gaza’s 141 square miles.

“Except you got to shave a few miles off Gaza because Israel has it surrounded with kill zones inside the fence.” Tim added.

“Yeah, yeah, I know.” Tony said. “My point is Connecticut is 40 times the size of Gaza. Let me tell you something about Connecticut. You can leave! They got 24 airports and 27 heliports. Gaza had one small airport they built in 1998. They were proud of it, too. What happened? Israel blew it up in 2001 because the Palestinians were getting uppity. They don’t want those people to have anything.
Connecticut’s got 450 miles of highways and that’s just the interstate. They got three deep water ports, six rail lines and Amtrack. You can walk out if you want to!” Tony was getting ramped up using those big Italian hand gestures. “You can ride a bike out! You can sail! No one’s gonna shoot you! No waiting in the sun for hours at Israeli check points. No mandatory ID’s. No razor wire. No machine guns in your face. I wish that was unthinkable.
Listen, Connecticut has eight counties. Middlesex, the smallest one, is two and a half times the size of Gaza. Middlesex has the Connecticut River. Take that away. Take away every brook, stream, lake, pond, and reservoir. Lock up over two million people in a concentration camp for generations where 98 percent of the water’s contaminated, in a place less than half the size of Middlesex County! You think Tony Columbo wouldn’t be pumping his fist for anybody of any color going over the fence to get his kids out any way they could? Think again!”

“I’d wave back.” Sonny said, “Cause I’d have my hairy ass strapped in the first go-cart off the tarmac.”

Next we learned Professor John is ‘revolted’ that he thinks we’re supposed to think of Palestinians as the black people. 
 Gene pulled out his notebook, “A scholarly fellow like John would do well to read ‘Palestine: Land of Three Faiths, circa 1923. I quote,
“Of the new immigrant Jews…Many of them are blond, bue-eyed people… Whatever their origin, whether they are converted Slavs or descendants of the enigmatic Khazars, these Ashkenazi Jews are far more Europeanized in appearance than most of their Sephardic co-religionists from the Mediterranean lands, and the Arab therefore regards their coming not as the return of a long-lost but still recognizable kinsman, but as an invasion of Europeans, alien in speech, in customs and in appearance.”

John’s next few minutes are given over to condescension with moderate sneering, followed by what Tim warned us about; the “I understand.” “I get it.” “Yes, I know.” and our favorite, “I’m not unaware…” (that one became a standard around the woodshed, always good for a laugh. ‘Tony, I am not unaware the beer is flat.’ ‘Sven, I am not unaware the cold storage has bait for us.’ ‘Ira, I am not unaware we need chainsaw oil.’ and so on.)

Gene tallies this kind of sentence caulking. He told us after the show he’d counted sixteen ‘I get it’ type statements. We took his word for it. Our simple, unschooled minds found no evidence John was not unaware his various claims don’t hold water but he got our attention when he said anybody who thinks Hamas are freedom fighters should be ashamed. The idea was “utterly nauseating.”

At this point Glenn throws out a meatball, “…nothing excuses the horrific butchery that we were witness to. Nothing excuses it…Can anything explain it?”

Tony said, “Wait. Who’s we? I didn’t witness it. Any of you guys witness it? Think those two witnessed it? If they had this would be a whole different conversation. More like conversations they’re having in Israel and the rest of the world outside America. Like why were those Israeli helicopters shooting Israelis? Why were those tanks blowing up houses full of Israelis? Why did it take the army hours to get there? Why did they bomb the police station at Sderot? Or kill their own troops at Erez Crossing?

“Can anything explain it?” he says. “Not if you don’t want to look at the answer.”

“We’re almost seven minutes in, Tim. And neither of ’em has said anti-Semitism yet. This must be a record for Zionists.”
Tim laughed. “Now you’ve done it, Gene. Be careful what you ask for.”

To be continued…