Top Black Racists 2023/24 WAZ AWARDS #5 Gene

Part 5: Gene, Gene the Word Machine                           in progress

We Watch ‘The Moral Challanges of the Gaza War’ 11/03/2023 The Glenn Show. Featuring: Glenn ‘Glennocide’ Loury (GL) Professor Brown University, Rhode Island 
and John ‘Smoke them Out’ McWhorter (JM) Professor Columbia University, New York.

Back we go: ‘The Glenn Show’:

Right after Gene asked when they’d get around to anti-Semitism, we hit:

Minute 6:55 where Glenocide asks John: “What about anti-Semitism?”

Everybody looked at the Bosn. “Dammit, Gene, you had to say it, didn’t you.”

Gene shrugged, “Usually Zionists hit that in the first minute. The suspense was killing me. Let’s move on, Tim.”

Tim clicked the remote,

GL continued with nuggets like, “…I just need Jew hatred to understand this. And those elements of American political culture who are um, you know, able to look askance, or even to applaud the atrocities are in effect giving evidence of their own anti-Semitism.”

“Whut’s a Semite, Gene?”

“Yeah, we could use a definition here.” Jake said, “Most of the winners running Israel into the ground are ethnic Europeans; Poles, Russians and whatnot. They’re no more Semites than Tommy’s Irish grandmother.”

“Semite” Gene said, “noun: a member of any of a group of peoples of Southwest Asia, chiefly represented now by the Jews and Arabs but in ancient times also by the Babylonians, Assirians, Arameans, Cannaites, and Phonecians.”

“Okay, then. A Semite describes someone who came from a particular region of the world. Like Sven here is a Scandinavian, or Mau Piailug is a Polynesian. Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank are Semites.”

Gene raised his hand, “Not so fast, Jake.” he said, “That definition of Semitic people is what we grew up with. Now the internet’s leading source of information says that definition is obsolete. Semitic people in the ever-malleable world of bits and bytes tells us a Semite is someone who speaks Hebrew. And what’s the only country in the world that speaks Hebrew? Israel.”

“So if Jesse Jackson learns to speak Norwegian that makes him a Scandinavian? If Donald Trump learns to order a beer in Tongan that makes him a Polynesian?”

“Depending on which way the wind blows, I suppose.”

Sonny chewed on this a bit, “That makes no sense, Gene. If Semite peoples’ obsolete, how come anti-Semite ain’t obsolete, too? Cain’t have it both ways.”

“Appears they don’t ask that in Ivy League, Sonny.”

“Back to business,” Tony said.

Gene put up a hand, “Not so fast, paisan. Since we’re on definitions, I learned two new words around this thing. MIHOP and LIHOP. They go a long way toward explaining Israel’s so-called security failures on October 7. Both are acronyms. ‘MIHOP’ means ‘Made It Happen On Purpose’ and ‘LIHOP’ means ‘Let It Happen On Purpose’.”

“I’ll go out on a limb here.” Roy said. “And guess these words are branded conspiracy theories.”

“Of course they are.” Gene said. “And as always, I don’t mind someone calling me a ‘Conspiracy Theorist’ if they don’t mind me calling them a ‘Coincidence Theorist’. Think about what was happening in Israel before October 7. Netanyahu was circling the toilet bowl politically. He was looking at spending the rest of his life in prison on corruption charges on a scale guys like us can’t imagine. He’d just usurped the Israeli Supreme Court so they couldn’t prosecute him. A hundred thousand of Israelis were protesting that in the streets of Tel Aviv. What’s a Zionist despot to do? Why, how about setting up an attack? Not his first rodeo in that department. Then it would be Baby Netahyahu to the rescue! Let’s count the coincidences from October 7 and you tell me…”
1) Israel supported Hamas to get it started. They even bankrolled Hamas–Islamic fundamentalist Hamas. Why? Netanyahu wanted a foil against the Palestinian Authority so they’d fight each other. That way they wouldn’t get a Palestinian state. What could go wrong?
2) Journalists and Israeli military officers have pointed out for years that Israeli politicians time attacks on Palestinians to gain popularity points during elections. The Israeli public loves a good massacre.
3) Israel has kept 2.3 million people trapped in the world’s largest open-air prison for decades.
4) Israel’s economy depends on selling weapons around the world. Israel uses Gaza’s civilian population to test weapons on. There’s an Israeli documentary about that called, ‘The Lab.’ The Lab is Gaza.
5) 98% of the water in Gaza is unfit for human consumption because of Israel. Cosmo can speak to that. Plus Israel controls every calorie that goes into Gaza.
6) Gaza is Gaza because Zionists killed thousands of Palesintians in 1948 and drove about 750,000 more off their land. Most of those wound up in refugee camps in Gaza, Lebanon, Jordan. The terrorist Ben Gurion said the old would die off and the young would forget. Well, they haven’t forgotten and everybody knows it. Especially Israel. Israel set the stage for Hamas to come over the wall. It was never a question of if would happen, only of when.

1) No place in the world has as relentless surveillance as Gaza. Every inch of it is monitored around the clock by cameras, drones, planes, satellites, watch towers, radar, motion sensors that can pick up a footfall hundreds of meters from the fence, spies, and spotters. With all that, you’re telling me the Zionists didn’t know something was up?
2) Their own media has reported that Israeli spotters along the border warned their officers Hamas was training for an attack. The spotters were ignored.
3) Egypt said it warned Israel that Hamas was planning something big. Twice.
4) Israel approved a dance festival–the rave–to be held near containment fence. Hamas didn’t know they were there until they bumped into them on their way to military installations on the other side of the rave. Can you say set-up?
5) The same weekend Hamas came over the wall Israel had sent away three battalions of the Southern Command who were supposed to be protecting that part of the country. They left it wide open.
6) After the attack started, the Israeli Army didn’t show up for hours! Hamas couldn’t believe it. They’re looking skywards waiting for the counter attack, looking north on the roads waiting for the counter attack. Where was the most powerful military in the Middle East?

“Feel better, Gene?”

“Just saying.” Gene said. “I can buy a coincidence or two. Maybe three. Not a dozen.”

We stayed with it until minute 10:20 where GL pops off against university people who support the Palestinian Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions movement, patterned after the South African boycott that broke the apartheid regime. He claims  BDS supporters are tearing down posters of Israeli children Hamas kidnapped. All that and more, “They are the ones who have this reductive view and they’re the ones who are seeing Jews as white people in this drama and who are seeing the Palestinians as the brown, non-European people…”

“Didn’t McWhorter just say this a few minutes ago?”

Tony raised his hand. “Are you telling me these guys don’t know Israel’s the most overtly racist country in the world?”

Gene looked surprised, “What? Just because they call Palestinians ‘sand-niggers’?”
“Just because they passed a Nation-State Law in 2018 that says in Israel only Jews have a right to national self-determination?”
“Just because ever expanding Jewish settlements onto stolen Palestinian lands are a ‘national value’ under the Nation Sate Law?”
“Just because they have one set of laws for Jews and another for Palestinians.”
“Just because they have Jews-only roads, to Jews-only communities?”
“Just because hundreds of fans of the most popular soccer team in Israel chant ‘Death to Arabs’ when their team scores a goal?”
“Just because Israel’s Chief Sephardic Rabbi called black people ‘monkeys’?”
“Just because they spit on Christians? And burn their churches?”
“Just because in Israel Jews are not allowed to marry non-Jews?”

“You’re shitting me.”

“I shit you not.”

“Whut’s reductive mean?”

“Reductionism.” Gene said. “Noun. A procedure or theory that reduces complex data or phenomena to simple terms; especially: oversimplification.”

“So, it’s like a reduction gear for eggheads, then.”

“You might say that.”

“Well sir. That’s just whut this professor’s doing hisself!” Sonny burst out. “All these Israel supporters talking all the time ’bout how complex their nut house is. Meaning guys like us cain’t understand it. And when we tell ’em starving pregnant women and kids, and bombing ’em out of house and home ain’t complex at all, they tell us we’re anti-Semites. Reductionism, that’s a good word, Gene. From now on when I hear anti-Semitism I’ll be thinking ‘reduction gear.’ I’ll remember it thataway.”

To be continued…