Top Black Racists 2023/24 WAZ AWARDS #6 Tommy

Part 6: Tommy O’Brien                              in progress

We Watch ‘The Moral Challanges of the Gaza War’ 11/03/2023 The Glenn Show. Featuring: Glenn ‘Glennocide’ Loury (GL) Professor Brown University, Rhode Island 
and John ‘Smoke them Out’ McWhorter (JM) Professor Columbia University, New York.

Back to the show we go, The Glenn Show:

At about 13 minutes Glenn and John took us for a long ramble down a rutted trail in the dark. An attempt, as we saw it, to tie students’ rejecting Israel’s genocide with rejecting Western Civilization. An attempt to tie rejecting Israel’s genocide with rejecting capitalism. And a flailing attempt to conflate capitalism with enlightenment, which is problematic for some of us who chop wood.

GL says: “We got a real intellectual problem that runs very deep here.”

“At last he’s got something right.” Tommy said.

“I don’t think he’s talking about John and himself, Tom.”

JM replies to Glen, “Enlightenment is a challenge. Understanding the point of capitalism is a challenge.”

Tom shook his head. “Disrespectful, clueless, and stuck-up all at the same time. These two could be Israeli ambassadors.”

“Who says they aren’t?”

“They do seem to know which side their challah is buttered on.” Tom admitted. “To be fair, they’re at a disadvantage. At 15 minutes McWhorter says, “…to acknowledge the past…while not living in the past like some tribe..” “I’d argue these students, and people like us, are in the present, not him.”

“Want to explain that, Tom?” Roy asked.

“Sure, he says we’re ‘living in the past’ even as Zionists invoke the Old Testament to justify Israel’s genocide. The Old Testament’s about tribes a couple thousand years ago. Israel’s a secular government trying to play the religious victim card and it’s not working any more than calling everybody anti-Semite is. Which is to say, not at all. It’s just name calling. Netanyahu calls Palestinians ‘Amalek.’ Who cares? People are going to start changing their names to Amalek, thanks to him. Or naming their kids Amalek. Or their pets, ‘Am a lek! Here Am a lek! Good puppy!”

“Seventy-five years of carefully crafted Zionist narrative are collapsing into the reservoir of reality like the Teton Dam. That’s because of cell phones. These students are watching genocide in real time. They can believe Zionists or they can believe their own eyes and ears.
Likewise, students can look up any Israel tool on Capital Hill and tell you exactly how much he or she has taken from the Israel Lobby. It’s all about the Benjamins, as the great Rep. Omar said (I’ll always lover her for that). As I see it, the kid’s aren’t rejecting capitalism whole cloth any more than we are. They’re rejecting unfettered capitalism. They’re rejecting corruption. They’re rejecting America’s Congress taking shekels for genocide.

“Look,” Tommy went on.”every man in this room wrote the White House, both Alaska senators, Alaska’s Congresswoman, Alaska’s governor, and we went to multiple assembly meetings in this town asking them to pass a resolution to stop the genocide. You tell me. What did we get back?”

“Yah,” Sven said. “From the White House and both Senators I got damn form letters. Looked like they was written by Netanyahu.”

“And Governor ‘Standing Tall for Alaska’ unilaterally made Alaska the 38th state where contractors have to sign a loyalty oath to Israel to bid on state jobs; in the middle of this genocide.”

Tony said he’d never heard back from Alaska’s Congresswoman but she voted for a resolution in Congress that claimed anti-Zionism equals anti-Semitism. “Which means she’s clueless or doesn’t want to know Zionism is a political movement and Semites are people–including Arabs.”

“And when we went to the city assembly, well, we were popular as a fart in church. Like talking to a brick wall.”

“Federal, state, local, where’s democracy? That’s what these kids are asking. They know Palestinians have the right to armed resistance under international law. Here’s the US and Israel and these professors saying ‘Oh why can’t you Palestinians do something less dramatic?” When Palestinians promote peaceful resistance, the US does Israel’s bidding to crush it.”

“Yah,” Sven said. “Look at Oslo and Oslo II. Palestinians worse off after both those deals.”

“And the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions movement. That’s what broke the apartheid regime in South Africa. The Palestinians got that going and what happened?”

“38 American states that have passed laws where contractors have to sign a loyalty oath to Israel to bid on state jobs,” Gene said. “Think about that. Read the boiler plate language. State after state after state. Totally unconstitutional.”

“America threatened to crush Ireland’s economy if they supported BDS. Threatened Iceland, too.” Tom said.

“When Obama was working on the biggest trade deals in history between the US, Europe, and Asia, them signing a loyalty oath to Israel was a major priority.”

“The hell you say!”

“The hell I do.”

“I boycott China because of what they do to Tibet and the Uyghur Muslims.” Cosmo reflected. “Nobody calls me anti-Asian.”

“Maybe that’s next. Maybe with the Israel precedent contractors will have to sign a loyalty oath to China to bid on state contracts. Or Russia, or Borneo.”

“Why stop there? How about loyalty oaths that we won’t boycott fast food hamburgers, online shopping, or big box stores?’.”

“Kids see that. They see every generation has been leaving the world more degraded politically and environmentally for the next. There’s a name for that…Some fisheries guy. Who am I looking for Cosmo?”

“Daniel Pauley, man.” Cosmo said. “Shifting Baselines.”

“That’s it. And you can apply Shifting Baselines to the economy, too. College students are asking why they’re drowning in student loan debt, can’t afford health care, can’t afford a house or apartment, at the same time Israelis have free education, free health care from cradle to grave, and biggest loser in Brooklyn–if he’s Jewish–can go to Israel and they’ll give him a house in the West Bank and a machine gun. All thanks to American money. Always another billion for Israel.”

“Did you say billion?” Ira asked. “How about hundreds of billions? How about trillions if you count the $1.4 trillion [in today’s dollars] the 1973/74 Arab Oil Embargo cost America. That was because Israel wouldn’t give back the Sinai Peninsula after they took it in 1967. A war they started with Egypt using American weapons. Egypt was kicking Israel’s ass in ’73. They’d have won except Kissinger started an airlift, bigger than the Berlin Airlift, to save Israel. He admitted that himself.”
“Operation Nickle Grass.” Cosmo put in.

 “The Iraq War cost at least three trillion.” Ira said. ” Bush’s advisor Philip Zelikow is quoted that America invaded Iraq to protect Israel. For crying out loud, Netahyahu even came over here to lobby Congress for that war. How much more obvious can it be?”

“He said that in 2002, that was the year Thomas Stauffer estimated US support of Israel had cost us more than twice the cost of the Vietnam War.”

“No doubt, America’s given little Israel more money than any other country. More money than we give all of Sub-Saharan Africa combined! That $38 billion Obama gave them. That’s a drop in the bucket. Somehow, every year America ends up owing Israel billions in trade deficits when they don’t pay us back the money we give them at the beginning of every year. How does that work? We borrow money, that we pay interest on, give it to Israel lump sum at the beginning of the year unlike any other country we give money to, and what do they do? Buy American bonds so we pay them dividends on money we borrowed to give to them. Totally crazy. AND! Our bankrupt country ’tis of thee has been paying Egypt billions not to fight with Israel since 1979. Why don’t we factor that in? Been paying Jordan, too.

“Nothing to fix drinking water for kindergarteners here, or fix the roads and bridges, or fix health care… And kids today know it.”

“What college kids today see is a completely different landscape–a Shifted Baseline– from when Loury and McWhorter were college students. To me your professors are part of some stone age tribe lost in the gurgling bowels of academia.”

To be continued…