Zionist Chronology 1910’s


1910 Jewish National Fund buys 10,000 dunhams of land  (a dunham equals about 1/4 acre) in Marj Bin Amir region in Northern Palestine. As a consequence, about 60,000 Palestinians were forced out.

January 28, 1910 German Jews disavow Zionism in Hamburg as the Zionists Conference there tried to conflate Jews with Zionism. The Germans quoted in the Los Angeles Herald were clear they were German citizens who wanted no part of moving to Palestine.

1911-1932 Italy invades Libya: the start of what would become the Libyan Genocide:  mass slaughter, rape, looting, cultural annihilation, followed by driving the Libyan population into concentration camps where hundreds of thousands died of starvation and disease. This is relevant because Zionist Vladimir Jabotinsky became a close companion with the Fascists between 1928 and 1932, under Benito Mussilini. Italy killed more than half the Bedouin population of in that region. Zionists had been working for years with the Italian government to settle Eastern European Jews in Libya with an eye on using Libya as a base for future ambitions in Palestine. This model was not lost on the Zionists. The British of this period grew increasingly concerned about Mussolini’s Fascists, at the same time they increasingly supported the Zionist takeover of Palestine. Libya would not see such devastation again until Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton destroyed it and turned it into a human trafficking hell hole a hundred years later.

1913 Golda Meir ne Mabrovitch moves to Denver, Colorado.

1913 Vienna Zionist Conference receives a complete scheme for Jewish colonization in Palestine.

July 28, 1914 World War 1 breaks out. Zionists play all sides against the middle in maneuvers to acquire Palestine.

1914: David Ben Gurion and Yitzhak Ben-Zvi, attempting to curry favor with the Ottoman Turks who controlled Palestine, told the Turks they’d raise a Jewish force to support the Ottoman Army against the British.

1915: Ben Gurion and Ben-Zvi deported to Egypt by the Ottomans. They went to the United States where they tried to raise a faux army of 10,000 Jews to fight for the Ottomans. They recruited a few dozen who went nowhere.

1915-1916 Armenian Genocide: Twenty years after Herzl whitewashes the Hamidian massacres of Christians  for the Turks in European press, Turks slaughter 1.5  million Armenians (mostly Christians). Survivors driven on death marches into concentration camps in surrounding countries, including the Syrian desert where many starved to death.

July, 1915: British promise Arabs that Britain will recognize and Arab state after WWI if the Arabs help the British fight Turks. McMahon-Hussein Correspondence. Series of 10 letters between Sharif of Mecca, Hussein Bin Ali, and Sir Henry McMahon, British High Commissioner of Egypt. The Arabs fulfilled their part honorably. The British reneged; see Sykes-Picot Agreement, 1916, and Balfour Declaration, 1917.

1915: 20,000 Turks appeared at the Suez Canal region with heavy guns they’d brought across the desert. They left after shelling a few ships in the Canal. In 1916 the Turks did it again, this time with 6″ and 8 ” howitzers. German aircraft raided Port Said and Cairo, British Journalist Graves writes, “It became alarmingly clear that the only way to make the Canal reasonably secure against attack was to carry the bridgehead as far as Galilee.

January, 1916 Sykes-Picot Agreement: Secret compact between England and France divides Ottoman territories between themselves. This was betrayal #1 of the Arab Allies viz. the McMahon-Hussein Correspondence.

June 09, 1919 Arab Uprising against the Ottoman Turks fomented by the British, esp. Lawrence of Arabia, who developed tactics and led from the front.  The Ottomans had been ruling Palestine for 400 years.

1916 WWI 38th and 39th 169 Royal Fusileiers (Jewish battalions) in English Army. Train and accumulate weapons that will become useful in taking Palestine from the Arabs.

1916 Agudath Yisrael had some of the best schools and hospitals in Palestine before WW1. Their financial support base was mostly from the poorer European countries. Agudath didn’t get along with the Zionist newbies. “The war brought financial ruin in the Agudath in Palestine. A great number of the Jews of the ‘Haluka,’ who had been its principal supporters, died of hunger or hunger-induced epidemics. The greatest misery prevailed among these people when the British entered Jerusalem. While the Zionists obtained help from America and the Western Jews, the Agudath could only count on mere pittances from Poland. Under the British miliary regime the Zionists obtained the Administration of the American Relief Fund from the American Joint Distribution Committee, because the Zionist Commission had obtained official recogniton from the British Governement.” [in short, the Zionists used relief money to get control of Jewish education. There was also bitterness between pre-Zionist Palestinian Jews and the Zionists as the former were excluded from politics.]

July 18, 1917, a draft text of what was afterwards known as the Balfour Declaration was submitted by Lord Rothschild to Mr. Balfour. The British agreed with slight modification to what the Zionists formulated. The Zionists wanted the document to read ‘reconstruction of the National home of the Jewish people.” The British changed that to “establishment of a National home for the Jewish people.” Known ever after as ‘The Balfour Declaration’ this gave European Jews part of Palestine. It was Britian’s betrayal #2 of the McMahon-Hussein Correspondence.

August 1917: With American entrance to WWI and England winning, Zionists pull a 180 degree turn. Vladimir Jabotinsky  forms Jewish Legion of the British Army to fight against the Turks in Palestine. Joined by terrorist David Ben Gurion Jewish regiments arm and train to fight Palestinians after the war.

1917– onward: Zionist Commission given extensive use of the military telephones and cables, and persons recommended by it, who were naturally Zionist Jews.” (Graves notes British officers knew Zionists were listening in on their communications).

1917 “(Mr. Ussishkin) was the most powerful personality among the Zionist Jews of Russia…But he had the defects of many extreme Zionists–a narrow outlook, a great intolerance of criticism, an unwillingness to look disagreeable facts in the face.” (Graves)

British take charge of Jerusalem

December 1917 Battle of Jerusalem: British take the city. It’s been rightly said that General Allenby was able to take Jerusalem only with aid of 100,000 Arab fighters who sided with the British based on promises made of a free Arab state. 

September 1918 Battle of Megiddo on the Plain of Sharon: British/Aussies/New Zealanders win. Finishes Turks in the war.

October 30, 1918 Ottoman Empire surrenders to Allies ending, among other things, 400 years of Ottoman rule in Palestine.

1918: Funds given by the Executive of the Zionist Organization to the Palestinian Office for relief, education, etc were redirected to the Zionist Commission who doled it out to the Palestinian Office. In 1919 the Palestinian Office was absorbed by the Zionist Commission under Mr. Ussishkin.

1919: King-Crane Commission Report on Palestine. American President Woodrow Wilson sent King and Crane on a diplomatic mission to Palestine to assess claims of Zionists (European/Russian Jews wanting to take over the region) vs claims of Arab Muslims and Christians, and Sephardic Jews who’d lived there for centuries. King-Crane determined there were only a handful of petitions for the Zionist schemes vs over 1,800 petitions against. Also that British officers felt it would take at least 50,000 troops to even begin to impliment the Zionist schemes and that could only be done by the gravest trespass against the Arabs. Also, King and Crane said the Zionist claim to land their ancestors had left thousands of years prior could not be taken seriously.

February 02, 1919: Zionists attempt to commandeer Palestine at the post WWI Peace Conference They want, inter alia, full control of Palestine’s water resources including the Litani River and it’s headwaters. Leader of European Zionism, Dr.Weizmann tells Peace Conference the Zionists want to create conditions in Palestine where they can bring in 50,000-60,000 Jews per year and that “Palestine should be just as Jewish as America is American and England is English.

December, 19, 1919: SS Ruslan arrives in Jaffa harbor with 671 Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe. This starts the Third Aliyah which will bring another 35,000 to 40,000 Jews to Palestine.