1970-1971 PLO moves from Jordan to Lebanon
April 1973 Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee William Fullbright from Arkansas spells it out: “We (the United States) have the leverage on Israel because “We supply all the wherewithal–or a major part of the wherewithal, to finance or to pay for everything Israel does.” He said the US couldn’t apply that leverage because, “Israel controls the Senate.” “The Senate is subservient to Israel, in my opinion much too much. We should be more concerned about the United States’ interest rather than doing the bidding of Israel.” “The great majority of the Senate of the United States–Somewhere around 80%–are completely in support of Israel, anthing Israel wants. This has been demonstrated time and again and this has made it difficult for our government.”
Photos above: Left: Egyptian commandos crossing the Suez. Middle: Egyptian engineers built pontoon bridges and used water cannons to cut the banks to move trucks and weapons. Right:Notice how every other guy is carrying a rocket launcher to kill Israeli tanks. They killed a lot of them.
October 06, 1973: Arab Israeli War, (aka, Yom Kippur War) Egypt surprises Israel with a sneak attack of its own across the Suez Canal, to take back the Sinai by force of arms. Israel caught with its pants down, confident Egypt wouldn’t dare attack it. Egypt would have taken Israel except U.S. saved Israel with Operation Nickel Grass. Operation Nickel Grass was a military airlift bigger than the Berlin airlift after WW2. It was organized by Henry Kissinger and paid for by the American people (who knew little or nothing about it). It involved placing aircraft carriers every 500 miles across the Atlantic with destroyers in between them. Huge shipments of weapons went to Israel from the US out of air force bases like Pease AFB in New Hampshire. At the same time the US put heavy diplomatic pressure on Egypt. In a rare interview Kissinger told a Haaretz reporter, “Don’t forget, we saved you in 1973.”
1973/74 Arab Oil Embargo–costs American taxpayers (in 2024 dollars) $1.4 Trillion enough to wipe out student debt in America). The Arabs were mad at the US for saving Israel. In solidarity OPEC turned off the spigot. This whole fiasco was caused by Israel who never paid us back a nickel.
Ocgober 1974 Seventh Arab Summit (leaders of 20 Arab countries) met in Morocco, recognized PLO as the ‘sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people.’ [who are they to decide for the Palestinians who’d represent them?]
1975 John McWhorter turns 10
21 May 1975 Arab leaders meet to plan strategy to halt Israeli land theft as Israel steps up land seizures of Palestinian citizens of Israel. This will lead to Palestinian protests and a murderous crackdown of same by Israel the following year.
1975 Start of the Lebanese Civil War in which Christian Maronite militias backed by Israell/US fight Lebanese Nationalists and PLO.
1976: Symington-Glenn amendments to the International Security Assistance and Arms Export Control Act–which allows no Presidential discretion–requires suspension of all military aid to nuclear countries that posess nuclear weapons that: are non-compliant with the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), that don’t admit having nuclear weapons, that have not signed NPT, that don’t allow inspections of its nuclear arsenal. Israel is known to be in violation of all of the above therefore it’s illegal for the United States to support them with weapons. Period.
March 30, 1976 Israel annexes 5,000 acres belonging to Palestinian citizens of Israel in Galilee to give the land to Jews. Palestinians protest. Israel kills six of them. Wounds 100. The day becomes ‘Land Day’ to Palestinians, an annual remembrance day were Palestinians remember the dead and plant olive trees to reinforce their ties to the land. Land day remembrances are marked by brutal repression by Israel.
21 June, 1977: Terrorist Irgun leader Menachem Begin (1913-1992) Elected Prime Minister of Israel. (Remember in 1948 Albert Einstein said Israel would go down the road of Fascism if Begin were elected).
1977: Likud Party Charter states there will never be a Palestinian state from the river to the sea.
1978 Glen Loury turns 30. Happy Birthday, Glen. The Israel you support is displacing a quarter million people in Lebanon.
14-21 March, 1978 ‘Operation Litani’ Israel invades Lebanon trying to seize the Litani River (they were more obvious about their intentions in those days). Israel didn’t take the Litani but their attacks resulted in 2,000 dead Lebanse, 20 dead Israelis, 250,000 Lebanese refugees.
15 June, 1978: Los Angeles: Jewish Defense League terrorist bombs Doheny Plaza in LA to stop a screening of “The Palestinian” by Vanessa Redgrave. The terrorist was sentenced to have a psychological examination.The Jewish Defense League put a bounty on Redgrave’s head.
September 17, 1978 Camp David Accords: AKA Camp David I: Negotiated by US President Jimmy Carter between Anwar Sadat of Egypt and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin. Ultimately a nothing burger for the Palestinians. As a direct result of this deal the United States begins paying Egypt an average $1.6 billion/year to not fight with Israel. Israel continues to take Palestinian land. World yawns.
10 December 1978: Terrorist Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin awarded Nobel Peace Prize along with Egyptian President Anwar Sadat, in Oslo, Norway.
1979: Menachem Begin gives Christian Zionist preacher Jerry Falwell his first jet plane.
June 1979: Jerry Falwell founds the ‘Moral Majority’. A right-wing, conservative entity that will have far reaching impacts on shaping American politics for the benefit of Israel and to the detriment of the United States.
1979-1983 Israeli Military leaders, Rafael Eitan and Meir Dagan, create a false flag shadow entity called “Front for Liberation of Lebanon from Foreigners” (FLLF) which Israel will direct and use to cover attacks on Lebanese and Palestinian civilians. Detailedin Ronen Bergman’s 2018 book, ‘Rise and Kill First’.